target information system

英 [ˈtɑːɡɪt ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn ˈsɪstəm] 美 [ˈtɑːrɡɪt ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn ˈsɪstəm]

网络  目标资讯系统



  1. Underwater target and environment feature information system designing base on cluster technology
  2. To improve and better target potential customers, the information system can be altered to remember the devices that take advantage of the coupon.
  3. An improved target tracking information differentiating system using the neural network to substitute for fuzzy rules is presented for the infrared-radar dual-mode guidance system.
  4. Aiming at the request to information manage about material supporting of currency arming, this paper, on the precondition of analyzing collectivity target, programs a multilayer information system which based on the network, and expatiate the approach to realize it.
  5. However, among building up one's own campus network and starting to promote the application level of campus network, along the road to the target of "E-Campus", the current information system in university has shown its own shortcomings.
  6. Sonar data and target information are processed by the two-stage fuzzy system to generate the control commands. Firstly, the danger fuzzy controller ( DFC) is used for each sonar sensor to judge the danger degree of the detected obstacles.
  7. The tactical mode of shooting probability target consists of man-machine interaction connector, central controller, shooting probability target management system, comprehensive information retrieval system, weight coefficient valuation subsystem and shooting probability results output block.
  8. The auditing target of information system audit does not only include financial accountant audit and management efficiency audit, and it has extended to network economic activities and management information system.
  9. Then through analyzing key elements of agile production of housing industry, the agile production system frame-dispersed networked integrated production has been presented, and its main target, information processing, organization system and management mode, etc. have been clarified.
  10. In order to get the position of a target quickly and accurately, information syncretic system use several sensors to locate the target by crossing the line of sight.
  11. In order to make Zero Base Budget more effective, we need to work out a corresponding target and information system to speed up the auxiliary reform and improve the proficiency of budget staff by means of modern media.
  12. Design and Experiment Research of Target Information Processing for Armored Vehicle Fire Control System
  13. The total target and establishing criterion of Guilin city information system has been discussed.
  14. This paper supplies the way of how to do this, including the below aspects: how to establish enterprise budget target, the information system of the budget management, cash-flow management, the inner control policy and the synthesize view.
  15. This text analysis the tank fire about the automatic follow of target and information manage system, and constitute a kinetic target model. At last, a new method was used to realize the optimizing of information manage.
  16. Proceeding from acquisition, management and application of target market information, the paper elaborated the structure form, information type, software structure and function module of target market information and management-applying system.
  17. In this paper, we give the MCDM method based on target information system via rule learning, build the MCDM rule model and discuss its properties.
  18. This paper studied the acquisition accuracy problem of gunfire control radar guided by target designation radar in the information command system.
  19. Study on Method of Consistence of Target Information Transmission in Anti-aircraft Missiles System
  20. The paper firstly analyses space information system effect about long-range precision attack, then an efficiency model is established about ballistic missile attack target at sea supported by space information system.
  21. Under the analysis of the Internal audit operation in electric power system, we put forward a design target and whole project of audit integrated information management system.
  22. We determine the system framework through analysis of overall target of the bank information management system structure, B/ S model of system, multi-layer structure and interactive way of each layer.
  23. The adoption of unified management makes all kinds of information security components from different manufacturers as the whole protecting system to meet the requirements of the target information system.
  24. Through the in-depth investigation of the company, and combined with the basic characteristics of this industry, we can find the problems in production management and make the target of building an information management system for the production.
  25. Objective performance is a measurement of team performance at the product level, which is to measure the quality of target information system.
  26. It is mainly used to detect target echo signal submerged in various ground clutters and system noises and extract the target information required by the radar system via processing.
  27. The second part discusses the value target of the information disclosure system.
  28. Railway station guidance information management system is one of the most important parts of the railway passenger station command and control system. The target of the guidance information management system is providing information service for the passengers who are tripping by train.
  29. Building a hunting license issued by the sub-ontology model, and to achieve a hunting license issued by the clear, standardization, standardization and sharing into a target, modeling the range of management information system for wildlife hunting license issued by the subsystem.
  30. As the main target in information warfare, the database system, which undertakes the massive information processing task, is the key to win the warfare.